Benefits of Rio Grande Valley Weather
The lower Rio Grande Valley, which is made up of Starr, Cameron, Willacy, and Hidalgo counties, represents the only subtropical area in Texas. In the Fall and Winter, average temperatures are around 60-70 degrees. Every once and a while, we’ll get a cold front from up north that drops temperatures to 40’s. Occasionally, we do see freezing temperatures but they never last longer than 24-48 hours. With that said, the Rio Grande Valley subtropical weather is unmatched anywhere else in the United States. This makes the perfect conditions for year-round outdoor activities that most people cant participate in during the winter-where else are you able to pick vegetables from your own garden in December?
Enjoy the Rio Grande Valley Weather!
Another enjoyable outcome of Rio Grande Valley weather is the nature and wildlife that it attracts. Landscaping with nature in mind is something the Rio Grande Valley has done well and it is immensely rewarding for Rio Grande Valley residents. In fact, one of the four major migratory flight patterns in North America passes through the RGV and many birds winter here. As a home builder, we even make it a point to plan our landscaping so that the trees attract birds (see blog post on trees).
Year-Round Averages
For a better idea of year-round weather in the RGV, we’ve compiled the below with data on the average weather temperatures in the last 12 months:
May 2017
Average high temperature:
86.1°F (normal: 93°F)
Average low temperature:
63.0°F (normal: 71°F)
Average temperature:
74.55°F (normal: 82°F)
Total Precipitation:
4.7 inch (normal: 2.2 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
June 2017
Average high temperature:
96.8°F (normal: 97°F)
Average low temperature:
72.1°F (normal: 75°F)
Average temperature:
84.45°F (normal: 86°F)
Total Precipitation:
0.68 inch (normal: 3.07 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
July 2017
Average high temperature:
98.1°F (normal: 98°F)
Average low temperature:
74.3°F (normal: 76°F)
Average temperature:
86.2°F (normal: 87°F)
Total Precipitation:
0.03 inch (normal: 2.24 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
August 2017
Average high temperature:
98.2°F (normal: 99°F)
Average low temperature:
74.4°F (normal: 76°F)
Average temperature:
86.3°F (normal: 87°F)
Total Precipitation:
0.2 inch (normal: 1.89 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
September 2017
Average high temperature:
90.6°F (normal: 93°F)
Average low temperature:
51.6°F (normal: 71°F)
Average temperature:
71.1°F (normal: 82°F)
Total Precipitation:
0.73 inch (normal: 4.45 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
October 2017
Average high temperature:
81.7°F (normal: 87°F)
Average low temperature:
56.0°F (normal: 64°F)
Average temperature:
68.85°F (normal: 75°F)
Total Precipitation:
2.21 inch (normal: 2.48 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
November 2017
Average high temperature:
82.3°F (normal: 79°F)
Average low temperature:
57.2°F (normal: 55°F)
Average temperature:
69.75°F (normal: 67°F)
Total Precipitation:
0.12 inch (normal: 1.14 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
December 2017
Average high temperature:
61.4°F (normal: 70°F)
Average low temperature:
42.1°F (normal: 47°F)
Average temperature:
51.75°F (normal: 59°F)
Total Precipitation:
1.84 inch (normal: 0.87 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
January 2018
Average high temperature:
64.4°F (normal: 70°F)
Average low temperature:
37.5°F (normal: 46°F)
Average temperature:
50.95°F (normal: 58°F)
Total Precipitation:
0.88 inch (normal: 0.98 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
February 2018
Average high temperature:
75.5°F (normal: 75°F)
Average low temperature:
55.2°F (normal: 50°F)
Average temperature:
65.35°F (normal: 62°F)
Total Precipitation:
2.24 inch (normal: 1.26 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
March 2018
Average high temperature:
81.0°F (normal: 81°F)
Average low temperature:
55.7°F (normal: 56°F)
Average temperature:
68.35°F (normal: 69°F)
Total Precipitation:
0.23 inch (normal: 0.91 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch
April 2018
Average high temperature:
79.5°F (normal: 88°F)
Average low temperature:
56.6°F (normal: 63°F)
Average temperature:
68.05°F (normal: 75°F)
Total Precipitation:
1.83 inch (normal: 1.14 inch)
Total snowfall:
0 inch